Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Beyond Reason - It's Just Begun 7" & Notes From The South compilation 7"

Check it out - a Florida hardcore Youth Bus Records two-fer! First up is the Beyond Reason 7", "It's Just Begun", with four powerful yet fun tracks. Released in 1990, but reminds me a lot of bands that were around in the mid-to-late-80's like Bustin' Out and Unit Pride.

Up next, a 7" compilation, "Notes From The South" featuring an array of bands from Florida: The Believers, whom I posted about a short while ago, a little heavier act called Hangman, then Beyond Reason and, ending off the compilation with my personal favorite tracks, Ego-Trip. This deserves to be the "We Can't Help It If We're From Florida" of the 90's. Track after track of unique hardcore happening in Florida that has somehow flown under the radar for all but those involved, or so it seems. Oh, did I mention the Beyond Reason record come with a huge fold out insert, and the compilation comes with an excellent lyric booklet, all of which are scanned and included in this download?

Here's the Ego-Trip pages of the booklet... How cool is this?! I need more info!

So there you have it. Youth Bus Records #1 and #2, discovered as I promised I'd try to do in the post about The Believers. Now for #3-5... I seriously have to find the Ego Trip "Together In The Mind" 7" if it is anywhere near as awesome as these compilation tracks.

d/l here:
Beyond Reason - It's Just Begun

d/l here too:
Notes From The South compilation

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Exact Change Radio: Photo Retrospect

Here are some photos from over the course of Exact Change Radio that have never been posted on this site before. Enjoy and thanks again to everyone who ever called in, sat in, played on air, spoke with me on air, or took the time to listen in.

Ramses live demo debut and interview. From left to right: myself, Sam Pea, Ty Hammy, Josh H., Steve B., Julio and Steph.
 Hit List live in the studio. From left to right: myself, Lennon, Joey C., Dave, Bobby J, Steve B. and Joey V.

 An average week in the studio. From left to right: Andrew of All Waves Radio, myself and Julio of Metalstorm. 

Left photo: myself and my good friend (and sometimes co-host!) Andrew. 
Right photo: the incredibly supportive and patient Steph, who was with me in the studio every week, and myself.

Last radio show. From left to right: Sara B., Melon G., Steph, Andrew, myself, Kent and Nate H.

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Believers - Demo 1987 CS

The Believers were a short lived band from South Florida in the late 80's until the early 90's. This demo could also be called the "Half Way Home Demo" but because it was originally uploaded on Soundcloud as "Demo 1987" I decided to keep it as such.

Played around the same time as Powerhouse, but gained way less attention abroad for whatever reason. No big label signing, so less of a modern following I guess? This demo is equal parts cartoon edgeman mosh, as the cover drawing would have you expect, but also a decent dose of melodic guitar work.

As far as I know this is their only recorded material aside from a compilation track on the "Notes From The South" compilation 7" on Youth Bus Records with a few other lesser talked about Florida hardcore bands Hangman, Beyond Reason and Ego-Trip. They also played a reunion a few years back in South Florida and Reel and Restless Fest. I remember this show happening, but during my "driving four hours for a show is lame" phase... also known as my "no job and no money" phase. Doy!

If you have any information about this band, please get in touch with me, I'd love to learn more. Until then, enjoy this demo of a decent length!

d/l here:
The Believers - Demo 1987

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Cashing Out

The last Exact Change Radio broadcast on Bulls Radio will be today, 4 - 5 PM EST. Tune in online at to hear the final tracks aired as well as some very special interviews.