Saturday, November 7, 2015

少女人形 ‎– 少女人形 7" Flexi-disc


This self titled 7" flexi-disc by Japan's 少女人形, pronounced "Shojoningyo" and meaning "Girl doll", is a six song release of full on punk attack released in 1985. Two years after the release of Jerry's Kid's "Is This My World?" and one year after the release of Confuse's "Nuclear Addicts", this lesser heard 7" throws sounds curated by records such as those into a catchy blender of noise and melody to churn out this crisp, clean product. Since most of the titles are in Japanese, here are some rough translations.

1 - Ona-pet
2 - グチャグチャ (Messy)
3 - 偽りの世界 (False World)
4 - 死物狂い (Shinimonogurui - meaning "desperation" or "struggle to the death")
5 - 闇討ち (Sneak Attack)
6 - つまんない (Boring)

"Shojoningyo" released two other 7" records on Lovely Chaos Record and had a compilation track on a cassette compilation but out by 胎内レーベル, roughly translated "Womb Label", but this 7" was self-released on no label. This download includes the cover art, the a-side of the flexi-disc, and all six tracks separated out. Recommended for fans of bands such as Gauze, Lip Cream and Gas who want something familiar yet new. You may not recognize this as an essential Japanese hardcore classic, but it certainly stands out as more than just a flimsy, dollar bin noise punk record.

d/l here: 

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