Thursday, December 7, 2017

Select Florida Demos 2001-2004: Face Up, Flame Still Burns, Team Effort and X Option Zero X

Big thanks to John McHale for hooking me up with copies of each of these, I owe you some tapes next time I'm in Miami. Here are a bunch of tapes from the early 2000's in FL that likely did not exist digitally prior to now. Corny to some, crucial to others, essential to any core scholar from Florida. Read a quick snippet and listen away below.

Face Up - Sweatpants and Hardstances

Members of Clean Cut, another Florida straight edge favorite, put out as an early release on Think Fast Records (which later released Outbreak, Have Heart, The Geeks etc.). 
Flame Still Burns - Edge 2001 Demo

Released on Think Fast Records right after the Face Up demo, Flame Still Burns sounds like a adrenaline charged flurry of straight edge hardcore. Taking their namesake from Youth Of Today, the drum and vocal production on this one has me feeling a little overstimulated. I'm thinking they maybe should have followed the advice of another track from the Youth Crew - "Slow Down"! However you slice it, here it is.

Team Effort - Demo

Some members from this band play in some currently active, not-so-much-hardcore bands of now that shall not be named. Doesn't matter! This demo is actually probably the tightest of the bunch. Such a crazy intro name... is the edgeman on the cover clutching some sort of  baguette? Not sure. Check these jams out, though!

X Option Zero X - Pure Core Pride Demo 2002

Yellow copies must have been cheaper to run off or something! This demo, musically and lyrically... leaves a bit to be desired. I do love the name Pure Core Pride though, which itself is anything but underwhelming. The oddly proportioned, accidentally manga-like edgeman on the cover is what sells it for me. File under: automatically like this because it's Florida, but don't expect anyone else to get it.

Stream here:

d/l here: 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Exact Change Fanzine

The long-awaited first issue of Exact Change Fanzine is now available. Pick up a copy here or get in touch about local events it will be available at. Interviews with Orange County's Discrepancy and North Carolina's Substance, as well as features on Powerhouse and Curbed from FL.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Exact Change 2017 Summer Wrap-Up

Exact Change will be moving at a much more deliberate pace starting in Fall 2017, and should certainly show by Winter 2017. Until then, there has been rumblings from Exact Change that you may have missed, so here's the scoop to catch you up.

Curbed is currently writing a new chunk of material to debut the next time they play a show. With modern material and a Rampage cover in tow, Curbed hit the road and ended up on a Damaged City after show. Luckily, hate5six was there to capture the moment.

Final Say released four tracks of straight edge hardcore. Material for a 7" is surfacing between members. Over the summer months, Final Say played our first show with Bind in Tarpon Springs, another in Tampa with Curbed, then hopped on a punk show in Orlando. Final Say will be playing our next show on October 21 in South Florida for Edge Day.

Crisis Unit live tapes have sold out, but there are still a handful of Final Say, Curbed and Hit List tapes in the online store, as well as some discounted label tees. Check that out here and grab some tapes before they're gone. All orders between now and the release of the magazine will receive a promotional pre-zine sheet. Speaking of which...

Exact Change Fanzine #1 has been a long time coming. Years, in fact. You can read more about the story behind the wait in July's Core Club to be released later today. Despite the inner struggle I've gone back and forth about in my mind about the necessity (or lack thereof) of physical magazines in hardcore, I've come to the conclusion that creativity and production is vital to the life's blood of the core community and it's time to put out the magazine without excuse. Though the content has gone through several revisions, expect Exact Change Fanzine #1 with interviews with Substance, Discrepancy, Curbed, Powerhouse and more to be released by the end of August.

Check back soon for new release details.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sick Of Talk May 2017 Tour

Come catch Sick of Talk on our 2017 tour across the southern USA. The first three dates will be accompanied by Atlanta's Pay To Cum, as well as other dates with bands like Abuse Of Power, Search For Purpose, Laughing Sword and many more. For any additional information on dates visit the tour event on Facebook here or feel free to email me at I will have all available Exact Change Records releases with me on this tour.

See you soon!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Exact Change Records 006 - Final Say Demo

Final Say demo tapes are now available for streaming and purchase.
Listen and purchase here. There are also a limited amount of tapes and shirts here.
Straight edge hardcore from Tampa, FL. See below for local order information and the next show.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Magnitude Fanzine - Issue #1

I'm happy to be hosting the digital release of Magnitude Fanzine #1. This zine was organized by my good friend Matt Kalbaugh. A few previews shots are below, but the full high-quality .pdf can be downloaded here. Here's the scoop on this publication:

"After months of procrastinating and attempting to put this together with no prior knowledge of zine making, numerous failed attempts at Office Depot have led me to release the first (and probably only) issue of Magnitude via the power of the internet. Contains interviews with STEP FOR CHANGE (CA), ECOSTRIKE (FL) and REFOCUS (NC), as well as record reviews and a couple little essays. Enjoy!" - Matt K.

d/l here:
Magnitude Fanzine - Issue #1

Friday, January 6, 2017

FYA 4 begins today!

Tampa, FYA 4 is this weekend. You can pick up any Exact Change release from me (Garrett) at any of the following shows. I won't have a table set up but I will have them on me, as well as some other goodies. Come check out Exact Change extended family Substance, Bind, Flamethrower, Klout, Ecostrike and Three Knee Deep. See you at the following shows!