It's near the end of April and I'm finally getting around to posting some downloads. This time around, it's even more Florida bands, but from more recently. I'll give a little information on each band and throw the download links with scans of whatever came packaged with the demo at the bottom. Also, keep an eye on the blog for two cool show announcements next week!
Thin Line - Demo
This demo was recorded in 2009, right around when I first started coming to shows. Apparently Thin Line was from Orlando. I actually never saw this band and only even heard about them a week ago when my friend Oliver was giving away some of his old things. He told me this band was from FL so I grabbed the tape out of principle. If you can't tell from the cover, this is a straight edge hardcore band that I would very loosely compare to Righteous Jams or Mental. The lyrics get about as cheesy as they come on the track "Get Involved" (not a Brotherhood cover) but the tape includes a rendition of Use Your Head (which is a Uniform Choice cover) that actually rocks pretty hard. Drummer Tommy currently plays in one of Florida's continually rising star bands, Axis. I was surprised to find their Bandcamp link is still active, so I nabbed the songs from there and threw in the cover and insert scan in the download.
Faith Addiction - Demo
Faith Addiction was a short lived hardcore band from Tampa. Four songs clocking in at under 2:30 on this sucker. On this demo were all three members of grindcore band Cellgraft plus Justin who sang in Feral Babies on bass. Awesome blown out hardcore that I think would be hugely popular if it came out this year, but sort of flopped when they were around. I remember seeing them open a show in a storage unit in Tampa and just about no one caring or watching. Crazy! They put out a lathe cut 7" a few years after this demo. Only 25 copies were made and I'm pretty sure every single copy is sitting in various Tampa record stores. Even crazier! I highly recommend this, though I had to rip the audio from the cassette so it's not the best quality.
Kickturn - The Demo 2012
Chances are you heard or saw this band when they were around, but I rarely hear them get brought up nowadays. Since members also played in Losin' It I think maybe this demo is just seen as the "other" band, but this demo still holds up to me. Four cool tracks that remind me of stripped down, nuts-and-bolts hardcore in love with Underdog or Token Entry blended with that Florida taste that can't be mistaken. Ian now sings in Day By Day, and with that in mind, you can hear the vocal similarities even though the music varies quite a bit.
That about wraps it up, here's the download links. Enjoy!
d/l here: Thin Line - Demo
d/l more here: Faith Addiction - Demo
d/l even more here: Kickturn - The Demo 2012